Sunday, November 2, 2014

The Invader: synecdoce

The night was quiet as it had been for hours.  Cold and quiet the kids cocooned themselves in their blankets.  This was the night he snuck in.  Overweight, with a smell like no other, his crisp beard rustled as he rubbed it, he was quiet and fleet of foot but had a heaviness to him that made him the worst house invader that could be imagined.  Entering the house was his first misstep. He rattled everything and made an abrupt noise when he fell, sort of like a scream but quieter.  As he rummaged around he finally located what he needed and did the deed.  He looked around and saw a tree the most still tree he had ever witnessed calmly sitting seeming to wait for something he wondered what but then he noticed something else. The red and blue lights shown with the green being the brightest and the shine like no other he kind of light he danced away. Another light flew on in the house a man walked down stairs, but the invader had gone, out the way he came, seeming to disappear without a trace his deed done, the other man got his water and turned off the light. The night was silent again.

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